Seo tracking software remove broken links effectively Blog

by clay0832

A search engine result is said to be “Above the fold” or fold when it appears on the first page of search results, and does not require you to scroll down to see it.
Search engine users are less likely to click on results ” below the fold” (requires scrolling ) . Where the fold displayed depends on the user’s browser window size and screen resolution , but it is common practice to define the location of the fold are between positions 5 and 6, page 2 and following pages provide empirically dramatically lower results than the first page in seo tracking software , and the effects of the fold becomes insignificant in these pages. The term “above the fold ” comes from the newspaper industry where headlines and advertisements placed above the horizontal fold is known to attract more readers’ attention.

ALT tag or alternative text in Danish, is an alternative text that can be displayed when the mouse electricity . cursor moves over an image on a website or in a shop . ALT tag helps tell the search engines Google, Bing and others what is in the picture. An optimal use of the ALT tag , more generally, to improve the website or webshop opportunities for a good position in search results , and in particular in Google Image Search . This word is important and essential in relation to search engine optimization. The word anchor text used to describe the text that represents the portion of a link that you can click inserted on seo tracking software . Anchor text is relevant because it tells Google about what content is on the page that is being linked to.

An API , or Application Programming Interface API is an interface to computer programs that allows programs to communicate with each other. As a user interface allows a person to interact with a program that allows an API program to interact with another piece of software.
A backlink – or an incoming link – a link that points from one website to another website. The two most important factors for search engines here is the anchor text , and the relevance of the website , which links coming from in relation to the site which the link leads to. Black Hat SEO is about getting better rankings in the search engines’ result in an unethical manner. Another way to define the methods within Black Hat SEO is to call them ” questionable ” or ” illegal ” search engine techniques. The search engines have some laws , called the guidelines or in English guidelines. Deliberate violation of these guidelines in an attempt to achieve better results can be termed as Black Hat SEO.

It’s as Black Hat SEO to exploit weaknesses in the search engines’ algorithms by breaking their webmaster guidelines . There is a Blackhat SEO technique to present one content to visitors , and something different to the search engines. Another Blackhat technique uses text that is hidden, either as text in the same color as the background , text placed in an invisible ” div ” block , or text placed outside the visible area of ​​the screen.
A bounce is when a visitor to a website or web shop only visit one page before leaving home again . See also ” bounce rate” . Bounce rate or bounce rate is defined as the number of visitors who leave the website or web shop without visiting another page on the site . Bounce rates are expressed as a percentage . Example : A particular PPC campaign delivers 100 visitors to a specific landing page , of which 80 went to other sites , while 20 did not. Bounce rate was thus 20%. Bounce rates are a common key performance indicator (KPI ) to measure the success rate for websites, advertising campaigns and special landing pages.
Broken links are also called “broken links ” . A broken link is a link that figuratively pointing into thin air. Since , the link points to does not exist so we can solve the problem, and you are often greeted by a fejlmlding “page not found” , also called a ” 404 error ” . Broken links may be due to the side that points to no longer exists . The broken link may also be caused by a typo in the link itself . There may be missing a letter, or the URL is misspelled.